George, Now Remember, You Are The American President

by James Glaser
June 28, 2002

I know that Arial Sharon and all of those people lobbying for Israel are very good at what they do. I know everything they say sounds like it is the truth, but George you really have to do just a little independent research. Those people are looking out for Israel. You George, are supposed to be looking out for the United Sates of America. That is the country that you are President of. No you are not Emperor, yet.

We all know that you just want so much to get this Palestinian/ Israeli thing over so you can revenge your dad and kill Saddam Hussein. I know, I know, Saddam ruined your dads life, but George, I really think it was the "Read My Lips" thing about taxes that did George the 1st in. I think that your recent moves for power have been just a little premature too. Really now that you have the time, a little history lesson would tell you that even Adolph went slow at first.

Congratulations are in order for your choices in your top people. This quote of Donald Rumsfeld talking about the Al Qaeda is a fine example of why America is behind you. Oh yeah, the Al Qaeda are those tens of thousands of terrorists that we are at "War" with. No, I have no idea where they or their leaders are, but we are winning, right? Back to this really fine quote. Donald says, "There are no knowns, There are things that we know that we know. There are known unknowns, that is to say there are things we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know." Donald went on to say "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

Really now George, with people of Donald's caliber keeping the American people informed on your "War on Terrorism," is there any wonder why you are still on top? Sure I know that there are still some of those so called experts on the Constitution that are saying you are running amuck and there are always the people that second guess your judgment of friends. Hey if you think Ariel Sharon is a stand up guy, who am I to say different.

Sure Ariel was blowing up Arabs back in the 50s and sure he was relieved of his command as the head of Israel's Defense Department, by their Supreme Court, for being in charge of some massacres, but no one can ever say that he was a suicide bomber and that is important.

If you think Palestine needs new leadership then sure they will have to do that, heck some of their top leaders are former terrorists. Yes, that one that won the Nobel Peace Prize, is one of the worst. No one will ever say that Ariel has ever taken a Peace Prize like that guy did. Yes I do know that we can no longer name his name.

This thing with the courts trying to curb some of your God given power about the Constitution and what is that? Oh Yeah, we aren't supposed to tell about your God given power just yet. Sorry about that. Well this thing about the courts, not the BIG SUPREME COURT, but these pesky little federal courts with like just one judge, trying to thwart your power over the lives of every American. Hey if you say a person should sit in a Military Brig forever, who are the courts to say that is wrong.

My only advice George, is that you slow things down a little, stop with all the warnings. My Mom has a list on her counter with all the warnings and her spending is way down because you people have warned her away from too much. We need that spending, right?

Now that so very many Americans no longer speak English and less and less of them even read could we get that lady with the hand puppets to try and explain what Donald is saying? Also, when the big day comes and we tell America that you are in charge for like life, can we get rid of Powell. All this talk of peace is just fine, but this guy really wants it and for your plan to work, peace is not possible.

Just one more thing George. People are saying the "man with no name" was elected to head Palestine with 87% of the of the vote. They also say that our former President Jimmy Carter and a international group watched the election and said it was above board. Well these same people say this man was elected by the vast majority of his people and that you did not get close to a majority. Well George, you know what? Those people were very impolite to even bring that up and just maybe some of those people will become "Enemy Combatants" in the near future and we won't have to worry about what they say ever again.

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