It Sure Doesn't Matter What The People Think


Child Abuse—Our Government Is Guilty
by James Glaser
February 8, 2010

Have you heard the statistics about how Americans feel about the Health Care Bill the Democrats are trying to pass? Well, no matter how many polls they take, it keeps coming out the same. Most Americans, and in some polls over 80% of Americans like the health care they have now. Does the Democrat controlled Congress or the White House care about what the American people think? No, they don't. All they can think about is how they can pass their 2,000+ page bill. They don't want to fix the things that are wrong with our health care, they want to scrap the whole health care system, and start over with what they think will work better. That is scary!

Here is another one. 83% of Americans, according to a Rasmussen poll, think our deficit has been caused by government spending, and not by too few taxes:

83% Blame Deficit on Politicians' Unwillingness To Cut Spending

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Americans say the size of the federal budget deficit is due more to the unwillingness of politicians to cut government spending than to the reluctance of taxpayers to pay more in taxes.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just nine percent (9%) of adults put more blame on the unwillingness of taxpayers to pay more in taxes.

Ninety-four percent (94%) of Republicans and 91% of voters not affiliated with either major party place the blame on politicians, and two-thirds (66%) of Democrats agree.

Just 11% of all voters now think the government spends taxpayers' money wisely and well. Seventy-eight percent (78%) do not believe that to be true.

Do you think numbers like these will cause Congress or the White House to make real cuts in Government spending? President Obama just sent out a budget for this next year that will cause us to borrow way over a trillion dollars. By election time the national debt will be around $14 trillion. That means that our children and their children and their children and who knows how many more generations will be paying for what we are doing today.

Washington is so greedy. Also, they have been bought. They will abuse our children and grandchildren with their reckless spending, so that their backers can continue to make huge profits off government contracts. Somebody call Health and Human Services, our children need someone to protect them.

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