It Just Doesn't Make Sense
by James Glaser
May 19, 2011
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Yes, it is Barack Obama's War in Afghanistan now. As Commander-in-Chief, President Obama has the choice to continue the war or end it. The President has chosen to continue on with this combat.

We will never know how many Taliban we kill in this war. Also, we will never know how many innocent civilians we have killed. We do hear on a regular basis that we are killing children, but totals are never given out.

We do know that in the first four months of this year, 1,300 American troops have been killed or wounded, fighting a country that never attacked our nation. In fact, we are at war with a country that never even had the capability to attack us. Afghanistan never had an army or an air force. The country is land-locked, so it had no navy. They had neither the desire nor ability to attack the United States, but here we are in our 10th year of this war, and we are losing an average of 10 troops a day.

I guess it doesn't matter how many American troops are lost, or how many Afghan children we kill, because we just keep on doing it. You know, if you can't figure out why Washington is doing something, it might be like the ol' preacher said, "When it don't make sense, there's a buck behind it."

So, that's it. There is money to be made by somebody. In this case it is the Defense Industry, and Barack Obama is going to keep profits flowing to them just as long as he can.

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